Dressed in Splendeur
SPLENDEUR Magazine founder, Lydia Summer, is here to open up a space for men and women to share their testimonies in order that you may know how to be ”dressed in splendeur” like the wildflowers of the field (Luke 12:27). God calls us not to worry about tomorrow, but, rather, to say yes to Him for whatever He may have for you each day. As you listen to these testimonies, Lydia prays that they will help you remove any anxiety or need to spin after what God has for you, and to always trust in your Creator to grow you, just as He does with the beautiful wildflowers.
Podcasting since 2022 • 42 episodes
Dressed in Splendeur
Latest Episodes
Living Single with Lauren Fisackerly (Episode 40)
As a heads up, you'll notice that this episode we have some major technical difficulties! We apologize for the poor quality, but we hope the topic of conversation will more than make up for it. For best quality of sound, listen with headphones....
Season 3
Episode 4

A Unique Arrangement with Michaela Mantarian (Episode 39)
Welcome back to another episode of Dressed in Splendeur!We have the wonderful privilege to sit down with floral design entrepreneur, Michaela Mantarian today! Living and serving the Chicagoland area, Michaela has been desig...
Season 3
Episode 3

A Poetic Love with Kyra Blair (Episode 38)
Welcome back to another episode of Dressed in Splendeur!In our first season we introduced you to a few of our team members from our parent company--SPLENDEUR Magazine. This week, we're introducing a newer member to the...
Season 3
Episode 2

Season 3 Premiere: Light in the Darkness (Episode 37)
Welcome back to another season of Dressed in Splendeur!It's been too long since we've last released an episode, and there are reasons for that. Our host, Lydia Summer, sits down to share an update on her life, the fears she sti...
Season 3
Episode 1

Disciplemaking Like Jesus with David Sunde (Episode 36)
This week, we have first time author, David Sunde on the show! Our host, Lydia Summer sits down with David to talk about his debut book, Small-Batch Disciplemaking, and how we can learn to make disciples like Jesus did when we walked a...
Season 2
Episode 15