Dressed in Splendeur

A Poetic Love with Kyra Blair (Episode 38)

SPLENDEUR Magazine Season 3 Episode 2

Welcome back to another episode of Dressed in Splendeur!

In our first season we introduced you to a few of our team members from our parent company--SPLENDEUR Magazine. This week, we're introducing a newer member to the team, Kyra Wolfe! Kyra is our In-House poet at SPLENDEUR Magazine, and we are absolutely thrilled to have her! She shares beautiful truths of God through her poetry and it is a blessing to read her work every time.

In this episode, our host, Lydia Summer, gets to meet Kyra face to face for the first time and get to know her testimony. Kyra shares about her upbringing, the trauma she faced as a kid, the way she met Jesus, how her poetry was a tool to share her testimony with others, and how she came to share her art with SPLENDEUR Magazine.

We pray that this conversation will be an encouragement to all those who hear it today.


Follow Lydia on Instagram: @lydssummer
Follow our Instagram account: @dressedinsplendeur
Follow Kyra on Instagram: @kyra.blair


Thank You to Our Sponsors!
Design Studio Morgan:  Thank you to Design Studio Morgan for designing SPLENDEUR Magazine's new website, which will be up and ready to launch very soon! Follow them on Twitter at the link.
SPLENDEUR Magazine: If you're interested in ordering the Spring Issue or subscribing to their biannual subscription, click the link to start shopping, and use discount code "DIS15" at checkout to get 15% off your purchase!


Lyd's Picks
Yuka App: Download it today and start shopping the smart and healthy way!

Thank you to Jael Oriekaose for producing our music! Follow him @soundofpastelkid on Instagram for more of his work. If you're interested in having a music producer for any of your projects, he's your go-to guy!

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